When was the last time you were surprised by something that was out of the ordinary ?

Woodsvale does that and more. Experience a Miyawaki forest with 4000 trees and its own eco system in an urban setting,  watch a Windmill and Solar Installations generate power , glide on the sustainable plastic infused roads,  marvel at the hydroponic farm which produces over a tonne of vegetables and greens a month, truly organic for the exclusive use of the community, see how science and nature amalgamate at the Nakshatra Park, work on that unicorn startup idea in the natural work from nature pods, swim in a chemical free biopool  be astonished how a herbal healing garden elevates your wellness. Watch the birds and the butterflies that have come back to the city at Woodsvale. Feel happy how sustainable planning on water harvesting will make sure that Woodsvale will be self reliant. Get amazed at the ambience of the Mist Garden and look at how a Baori retains water and rejuvenates the soil. Observe the minute details in planning that makes the villas at Woodsvale eco warriors and buy into a project that future generations can cherish and flourish/.Woodsvale is built on the principles of biophilia, sustainability and practical design that makes the project one of its kind.